RFP-form Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Phone(Required)Have you held this event previously?(Required)Yes/NoPrevious LocationEvent WebsiteName of EventDescription of your event:(Required)Describe your event in general so we get a good idea of your expectations.Type of Event, select one:(Required)Consumer ShowSporting EventTrade ShowMeeting/ConventionFestivalOtherSelect the type of event you wish to hold from the dropdown. If your event isn’t a good match for the options, select ‘other’ and then briefly describe it. Other DescriptionPreferred Dates:(Required)Days Needed(Required)Total Days including move-in and move-out:Event Open DaysSquare Footage Required(Required)North Hall (30k sq ft)South Hall (100k sq ft)Combined Halls (130k sq ft)Event Needs/Requirements(Required) Staging Food and Beverage/Catering (Other than concessions) Cultural Food Requirements Breakout Rooms Other Check all that applyAdmission Information(Required)PublicPrivateExpected Attendance?(Required)Admission will be:(Required)FreeRegistration BasedTicket PurchaseInvitation OnlyFileMax. file size: 1 GB.Upload your event literature, layouts, and other information here. CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.